Saturday, 12 May 2007


YACG ladies (baoyi, may, ramona, michelle and myself) + 1 YACG guy (nithe) went to Anna's house to learn how to bake cheesecake. It was cool as everyone was involved. Nithe was overly excited and added his hand in almost everything, including the washing up. Maybe some day he can become iron chef cheng when I can be in-charged of eating. While waiting for the cake to be done, we played some geography trivia. Nithe totally thrashed everyone. The cake turned out quite well, juz that it's a little to watery.

At night, nithe and i went to PiersideRestaurant@OneFullerton to celebrate our mega 4! Finally tried the famous Wagyu Beef + foie gras burger ($45). It was DAMN DAMN GOOD! Will surely go back for more. Nithe ate roasted tenderloin with portobello duxelle & feuille de brick, bouchons of duck liver. hahaha.. Dining at those places make me feel real good..

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